On my mission to the sun | 27 | 💥🚀☀️❤️
I am an artist. No warrior with a sharp weapon, no perceptive poet, no powerful politician.
But I love the world we live in with all its facets – people, animals, nature.
For this reason I create my installations from the point of view that they have a lasting socially critical statement and not because they are beautiful, harmless and easy to sell.
I like to reach people with my installations, I want to confront them directly with topics that otherwise often remain distant or even abstract: Environmental destruction, war, pandemics, the price of prosperity, often paid by others.
My art enables me to talk to people, to reach them and draw their attention to issues that affect us all. The great and mainly positive feedback on my installations, for example the Corona memorial “It is like it is”, that was awarded the CREO Prize 2021, or my current installation “Broken 1.4 | Broken(Un)Broken” – which shows the worldwide suffering of oppressed, tortured, often even murdered women and girls – to everyone, are my motivation and confirmation that I can make a difference with my art.
DJM 2022/11
Studio Dennis Josef Meseg
Kronenweg 11
50389 Wesseling/ Germany
E-Mail: dennis@dennis-josef-meseg.de

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kreativität e.V.
The Dennis Josef Meseg Studio: A Philosophical Reflection
The Dennis Josef Meseg studio at Kronenweg 11 in 50389 Wesseling is more than just a place of art; it is a melting pot of creative energy and human expression. Here, the boundaries between reality and imagination merge as Dennis Josef Meseg brings his artistic vision to life in the form of mesmerising works of art. Each painting, sculpture and artwork speaks its own language and invites the viewer to delve into the depths of the human soul.
The studio is a stage on which the duality of light and shadow, joy and pain, past and future is expressed. It is a place where time seems to stand still, while the artworks carry the history of humanity within them and embody the essence of life itself.
Visitors to the studio have the unique opportunity not only to view art, but also to experience the spirit and emotions of the artist himself. It is a place of reflection, inspiration and dialogue where the boundaries between the artist, the artwork and the viewer become blurred.
Dennis Josef Meseg’s studio in Wesseling is therefore not just a place of art, but a place where the human experience is celebrated in its purest and deepest form.
“Silent witnesses – 135 silent witnesses of the flood disaster in the Ahr valley”
Installation/ action art for the vigil at the Landtag/ Mainz in February 2024
What these people must have suffered when the floods hit them! Helplessly watching everything being washed away, all their belongings. The fear of death from the constantly rising, raging floodwaters. The panicked search for relatives. Screams in the darkness. And their silence.
135 people lost their lives in the Ahr Valley on 14 and 15 July 2021. Some of them might have been saved if the emergency services had acted quickly and, above all, effectively. But apparently they didn’t, even though there were early warnings.
“Shattered Souls in a Sea of Silence”
Installation/ action art at Cologne Cathedral and for the Bishops’ Conference 2023
They wear the same robes as their brothers in faith, have studied the same holy scriptures and vowed eternal fidelity to the same god.
But their hands concede no blessing, and their words offer no comfort. They are the evil that roams the house of the Lord, tormenting human beings and mocking the Lord by violating His holy commandments. Believers have left the church by the thousands, holding the hands of their children who joined as merry young Christians and came back as broken souls. Ravished, abused, mortified.
They step out into life with a burden on their shoulders that will never vanish. A burden which feels like a stain and silences them because no-one is willing to listen. Not within the family, not in church, where up to the highest ranks unscrupulous accessories hush up and deny every wrongdoing to protect a guilty priest. (…)
“Absolvo te!”
Installation. Staging. Art campaign for the Discovery Art Fair 2023 in Cologne
It was more than 2000 years ago that a twelve year old boy from Nazareth went to Jerusalem with his parents and entered the temple, all by himself, to speak to the scribes. And they all admired his wisdom (Luke 2:41ff).
This young boy became the foundation stone of Christianity. Under his sign, the cross, catholic priests – the modern scribes – proclaim to this very day, what Jesus had said: „Let the children come to me and don’t repel them, for it is them who own the Kingdom of God.“ (Mark 10:14).
“It is like it is”
Installation & memorial on the Corona crisis. 142 locations in over 40 cities in Germany/ 2020-2022
A tiny virus, a twenty thousand times thinner than a human hair, has done what the great and powerful of this world like to dream of: it dominates all thoughts. Without exception.
Nobody, no matter from which social class, no matter whether young or old, can avoid the topic of „Corona“ these days. It haunts us all the time, right into our dreams. A deadly equalizer that brings people in line and unites them in a way never seen before. In their fear, their losses, their loneliness and need.

Work of the artist
Limited prints. Uniques. Hand signed.
Some of the works by Dennis Josef Meseg are sold as limited editions and unique items worldwide.
Visit gallery“Broken 1.4 | Broken(Un)Broken”
Installation against violence against women. 2020 to date – U.A. Tour 2020 16 cities in 17 days.
Violence against women and girls has been a topic since the very beginning of human history.
It has been written that each war’s winners would carry off the losers‘ wifes and girls, rape or kill them. There has always been some religion that would put women to a lower level than men or that would blame women for being the cause of all evil. Until today women suffer from not being treated unconditionally equally by their country‘s laws.
Various steel sculptures by Dennis Josef Meseg.

“1000 Momente”
Installation. Emotions. Experience.
Incisive moments are an inherent part of life, like the birth of a child, good fortune, an accident or a loss, just as well as those small, unimposing moments with results unfolding much later, such as financial investments, emotional commitments or the choice of a pet.
Experienced a thousand times, in a thousand ways.The spectrum of invested or experienced emotions is almost boundless, hence barely visualizable. With my new installation „A Thousand Moments“, I have dared to oppose this thesis.