
Someone, there!? Dennis Josef Meseg Bronzearbeit 2023

Bronze “Someone, there”

Bronze “Someone, there” This limited edition work entitled “Someone, there” is an intriguing, thought-provoking display. It consists of three blue patinated bronze waves, shaped like twisted bullhorns, mounted side by […]

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#1000 Raben Trio Bronze Dennis Josef Meseg Flatterband Raben rot weiß

#1000Raven – Bronze Raven Trio

#1000Raven – Bronze Raven Trio The art world is constantly evolving and pushing boundaries. One artist who is making a significant impact in the field of performance and installation art […]

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HOPE 45cm Dennis Josef Meseg Bronzefigur Installation "It is like it is"

And then there was “HOPE”

And then there was “HOPE” (17,7″) The terrible coronavirus pandemic, with all its horror and suffering, inspired the artist Dennis Josef Meseg to create his now internationally renowned work “It […]

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Past Present Future - Digitale Wand-Installation - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

Past – Present – Future 1.0

Past – Present – Future 1.0 (Beta-Version) In this digital wall installation, a specially developed software scans my social media life (Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.) and tries to interpret my […]

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Installation Hey God,. its me! - Dennis Josef Meseg

Hey God, its me!

Hey God, its me! Adam and Eve are back from paradise and realize what they have done. They sit melancholically on the couch and let their eyes wander thoughtfully into […]

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HOPE It is like it is Corona Mahnmal und Hoffnungssymbol Bronze Figur Credits: Heiko Heinen

And then there was “HOPE” (68,9″)

Hope was the essence of his installation, so the artist immortalized it in the form of this one figurine – Hope – as a life-size bronze statue. Her belonging to the installation is recognizable by the imprint of the red and white barrier tape. Standing on tiptoe, her arms raised like wings ready to soar, looking skywards. The life-sized bronze statue „Hope“, core of the art installation „It is like it is“, symbolizes the comforting faith and hope that at the end of dire times everything will be allright again.

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aAron - Stahlplastik - 2020 - Dennis Josef Meseg


aAron Material: steel scrap size: approx 60x35x15

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Vatererde und Mutterland - Plastik - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg

Fatherearth and Motherland

Fatherearth and Motherland Material: male mannequin, artificial flowers, 45kg cartridge cases without words

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Ja, ich weiß... Uecker! Trotzdem geil ;) - Arbeit aus Holz und Nägeln - Dennis Josef Meseg

Yes, I know … Uecker! – Still awesome

Yes, I know … Uecker! – Still awesome Yes, I know … Uecker! – Still awesome work from a wooden disc and approx. 2.5 kilograms of iron nails on a […]

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1000 Juden - Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg

A Thousand Jews

A Thousand Jews Applied materials: 20 kg various buttons and a big glass Genesis: Like many other people, I have had a sinister companion since the early days of my […]

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Urvater - Mannequin mit 2000 Aufklebern - Dennis Josef Meseg 2018


Forefather Mannequin with top hat, blindfold and 2000 commercial stickers ==> Forefather of Installation “It is like it is”

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Eichenstamm mit Kupferplatten beschlagen und mit Moos bepflanzt

Oak trunk with copper and moss

A 300cm oak trunk was chain-sawed, then studded with copper plates and will then be planted with moss in the gap.

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Päng - Plastik - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg


Bang! The sad, collapsed unicorn looks out of a heap of construction foam. This art work could be interpreted as shattered children’s dreams. During childhood, we are kept in a […]

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Get your sticky fingers out of my head - Stahlplastik - 2020 - Dennis Josef Meseg

Get your sticky fingers out of my head

Get your sticky fingers out of my head Material: steel plastic size: about 50x30x15cm

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Sonderfigur CREA - Installation It is like it is - Dennis Josef Meseg

Special figure CREA – It is like it is

In January 2022 this special figure “CREA” was created. The name giver, Prof. Jörg Mehlhorn from the Deutschland Gesellschaft für Kreativität e.V. in Berlin, based the name on the current mascot of the association, one of my red and white dogs named CREO.

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Plastik - Welcome to be you - Dennis Josef Meseg

Welcome to be you

Welcome to be you This art work deals with the identity finding of new generations. According to recent studies from the US, there may be far more gradations between men […]

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Hinterher sind wir schlauer - Gemeinschaftsarbeit Thomas Baumgärtel und Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

We’ll be smarter afterwards

We’ll be smarter afterwards This is a joint project with Thomas Baumgärtel (banana sprayer) from Cologne. In a kind of “ping-pong” the work went back and forth a few times […]

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It is like it is - Ray of Hope - Installation in Galerie Aristokrass Köln

A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope Corona hit the human race like a thunderstorm. A tiny virus, which destroyed what had been thought to be indestructable. It tore families and friendships apart, […]

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I Love Acid - 2020 - Stahlplastik - Dennis Josef Meseg

Heart of steel

Heart of steel Material: steel size: 60x30cm Interested in the bronze “Heart of Steel”? Here you get to the shop Bronze “Heart of steel” show in shop

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Mit vollen Händen kann man nicht beten - Installation - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

Faith in God comes back in times of need

Faith in God comes back in times of need Without words and description

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Gefaltetes Metal - Ich sollte ein Boot werden - Stahl-Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2020

I should become a boat

I should become a boat Material: steel scrap size: about 90cm folded part of a hood on a steel beam

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O.T. - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg

Rope and medicine ball

Rope and medicine ball Applied materials: rope and medicine ball (antique)

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Little Love - Metall, Holz, Wolle, Blech, Edelstahl, Lack - Dennis Josef Meseg

Little Love

Little Love Little Love – metal, wood, wool, sheet metal, stainless steel, lacquer 2020

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Normschönheit A-D - Installation - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg

Standard Beauty A-D

Standard Beauty A-D Material: Old bird cages and bird traps, dolls

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Kleinvieh aus der Solo-Show Dennis Josef Meseg 2021 Wesseling

Many pennies make a dollar

Many pennies make a dollar Various small works wood, steel, plastic, clay, bronze, plaster, etc… …

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STOPP – Stahlplastik von Dennis Josef Meseg

STOPP – Plastic

Steel sculpture “STOPP” Steel – 200x200cm – 500kg Steel sculpture „Stop“ title of the work: STOP – steel – 06/2020 – 200x200cm – 500kg In its daily use the characteristics […]

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There is a game of love - Installation - Dennis Josef Meseg

There is a game of love

There is a game of love Two antique mannequins. The one to the left casts a melancholic glimpse at the world, leaning casually against the wall. The other one, a […]

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Mindestmenge an Freiheitsgefühl - Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2019

Minimum amount of freedom

Minimum amount of freedom Size: approx. 45x45cm without words

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Besinnlichkeiten – Stahlplastik von Dennis Josef Meseg

Besinnlichkeiten – Plastic

Steel sculpture “Besinnlichkeiten” Steel – 125x70x70cm – ca. 100kg Contemplations: Slowing down the Individual Title of the work: Contemplations – Steel – 06/2020 – 125x70x70cm – ca. 100kg A plain […]

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Consume me - Plastik aus Gips, Readymades, Schweißbrille, antike Kopfhörer, Flügel eines Eichelhäher - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2018-2021

Consume me

Consume me Art work made of plaster skull, acrylic, welding goggles, antique headphones, wings of a jay (smashed into a glass panel of the university), dolls and an antique price […]

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Not your Profit (2) - Malerei und Strick-Arbeit - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg und Julie Colquitt

Not your Profit

Not your Profit Upper work: 300x200cm, acrylic, oil, spray paint, charcoal, edding, paint pens, airbrush on canvas (Dennis Josef Meseg) Lower work: 300x200cm, yarn and wool (Julie Colquitt, Scotland). About […]

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Corona Kunst - Installation "It is like it is" - Corona-Mahnmal Dennis Josef Meseg - Königsfarben Königssommer 2020 in Königswinter

Königsfarben Königssommer 2020 in Königswinter

Königsfarben Königssommer 2020 in Königswinter Culture & Corona – Together at a distance In summer 2020 the City of Königswinter organized an art event using 50 steles with a triangular […]

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Schluss mit dem Kasperletheater - Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

An end to the Punch and Judy show

An end to the Punch and Judy show If you break the glass of your TV set, Punch, the guard, the king, the princess and the crocodile fall out. Reality […]

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Ohne Titel - Stahl-Holz-Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2020

O.T. steel wood plastic

O.T. steel wood plastic Material: wooden board and steelSize: 100x25x4cm

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Installation „Trashi – Corona-Christmas 2020“ - von Dennis Josef Meseg

Trashi – Your comfort zone will kill you

Trashi – Your comfort zone will kill you Impressions in “Trashi – Corona-Christmas 2020” The abandoned and dark buildings at my university at Christmas time, have inspired me to create […]

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Zwiegespalten / Anonymer Exhibitionismus - Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

Anonymous Exhibitionism

Anonymous Exhibitionism Material: Mannequin, pink T-shirt, black jacket with neon stripes Size: approx. 110cm She kneels there, denouncing. She wants to show herself to the world. Fully exposed and provocative. […]

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Obsession 1

Obsession 1 “Obsession 1” is a figurative artistic work made of scrap metal that embodies the artist’s obsession with the transience and change of life. The use of scrap metal […]

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Die Raum-Einnehm-Maschine - 2020 - Dennis Josef Meseg

The Space Acceptance Machine

Installation “Space Acceptance Machine” Work in Progress Take up space IV – Take up space/ giving space away Installation with a giant balloon (220cm) HOW MUCH SPACE DO I TAKE […]

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Part of me - 2020 - Stahlplastik - Dennis Josef Meseg

Part of me

Part of me Material: scrap steel, spray paint size: approx 80x35x20 Interested in “Part of Me”? Here you get to the shop Show “part of me” in the shop

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Installation „Woher kommen wir – Wo sind wir jetzt? – Wohin gehen wir?“ - von Dennis Josef Meseg

Where do we come from – Where are we now? – Where are we going? The Radiant man

Installation “Where do we come from – Where are we now? – Where are we going?” Work in Progress Impressions of “Where do we come from – Where are we […]

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1000 Kinder-ABC-Gasmasken und ein aufblasbarer Bilderrahmen

1000 Consumer

1000 Consumer Consumer 1000 children’s ABC gas masks and an inflatable picture frame The installation/ sculpture has already been shown at the following exhibitions: 18.09.2021 open until the end – […]

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Quadratschädel - Stahl-Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2020

Square skull

Square skull Square skull Material: approx. 10kg steel scrap Size: approx. 45x25x10cm Interested in the steel sculpture “Square Skull”? Here you get to the Shop View Steel Sculpture “Square skull” […]

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Beton Plastik Eros 3 Dennis Josef Meseg

Concrete plastic Eros 3

Concrete plastic “Eros 3” Concrete – ca. 100x30cm – 65kg

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1000 Augen - Plastik aus antiken Puppenaugen - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2020

Data backup

“Data Backup 1.0” – A symphony of blue glass eyes In the depths of artistic creation, “Data Backup 1.0” rises up like a captivating work of art that beguiles the […]

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Nimm dir nen ÖKO-Schnulle und halt ja Deine Fresse! Danke! Deine Regierung - Plastik - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

Take an ECO pacifier and shut the fuck up – thank you, your government!

Take an ECO pacifier and shut the fuck up – thank you, your government! Material: plastic box, edding, sugar pacifiers

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Deportation - Stahlplastik - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg


Deportation Material: railroad track, various scrap metal size: approx. 50x60x10cm

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Drei Steine - Häkel-/ Strickarbeit 2020

Three stones

Three stones Knitting / crochet; each approx. 70x40cm; wool with filling material

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