
Schwarz und Weiß Studie 300x300cm - Acryl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2021

Black and white study

Black and white study Study of the relationship between black and white and vice versa. How much white can tolerate black and how much black can tolerate white. Material: Acrylic […]

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Remember my hearth - Öl,. Acryl, Ölkreide, Spraylack auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef Meseg

Remember my heart

Remember my heart A series consisting of two works, oil and acrylic on canvas in a shadow gap frame Size: each approx. 31,5″ x 47,2″/p>

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Der Tänzer - Acryl auf Pappe - 2020 - Dennis Josef Meseg

The Dancer

The Dancer Work in acrylic and oil on antique cardboard Size: approx 11,8″ x 13,8″

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Rot - Malerei auf dickem Büttenpapier 70x100 in schwarzem Objektrahmen - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2019


Blue Work from acrylic, lipstick, pigments, oil pastel and oil paint on thick handmade paper Size: approx 27,6″ x 39,4″ “]

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Turn to stone Öl auf Leinwand Ca.100x100 - Dennis Josef Meseg

Turn to Stone

Turn to Stone Oil on canvas Size: 39,4″ x 39,4″

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You, me an the world - Acryl Malerei 200x200cm - Dennis Josef Meseg

Me, you and the world

Me, you and the world Material: acrylic on coarse mesh jute Size: 78,7″ x 78,7″

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Schatten und Farbe - Öl-Malerei - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2019

Shadow and Color

Shadow and Color Oil on canvas Size: 100 x100 cm Slowly the color takes the shade and shows her cheerful optimistic face

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Liebestrunken - Tusche auf Papier - Dennis Josef Meseg - 2019


Lovestruck Material: ink red and black on paper Size: approx. 55 x 40cm

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Exkommunikation - Malerei Öl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef Meseg 2019 bis 2021


Excommunication Material: oil paint on canvas Size: each approx 78,7″ x 78,7″

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Liebe - Acryl auf Leinwand - 2018 - Dennis Josef Meseg


Love Material: acrylic on canvas Size: 78,7″ x 118,11″ Without words

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Selbstportrait - Ölfarbe auf Jutestoff (ungrundiert) - ca. 80x60

Self portrait 2

Self portrait 2 Material: Self-made oil paint on jute Size: approx. 31,5″ × 19,7″ Self-made oil paint on jute – approx. 31,5″ × 19,7″/caption]

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Zahn der Zeit - Malerei - 2021 - Dennis Josef Meseg

On the ravages of time

On the ravages of time Material: acrylic on canvas Size: approx. 59,6″ x 15,7″

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