Silent witnesses – 135 silent witnesses of the flood disaster in the Ahr valley
Silent witnesses – 135 silent witnesses of the flood disaster in the Ahrtal/ Germany Art Action No. 1 | Silent witnesses – 135 silent witnesses of the flood disaster from […]
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Installation “Shattered Souls … in a Sea of Silence”
Installation “Shattered Souls … in a Sea of Silence” Installation “Shattered Souls … in a Sea of Silence” They wear the same robes as their brothers in faith, have studied […]
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Absolvo te! 1.0
Human-Art-Installation/ Staging “Absolvo te! 1.0” Absolvo te! It was more than 2000 years ago that a twelve year old boy from Nazareth went to Jerusalem with his parents and entered […]
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Social-Experiment | “KindheitstraumABC” (Blackboard Omens)
Social-Experiment | “KindheitstraumABC” (Blackboard Omens) At the Co-Work-Space in Brühl, North-Rhine-Westphalia, from 25 February to 1 April 2023, the artist Dennis Josef Meseg introduced his then latest work: „Blackboard Omens“, […]
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Gallery becomes a kitchen for the needy 1.0
Gallery becomes a kitchen for the needy 1.0 – soup instead of Champagne! Helping is not an art – but art can help! People are generous around Christmas, for helping […]
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#1000Raven 1.0
Another project with the warning flutter band are my red and white ravens. To me, the raven is a symbol of adaptation and the will to survive. For strategic thinking and especially for the superiority of nature over man.
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Paradise Circus 1.0
The room installation contains of 15 tons of ammunition, poured out over 60 square metres in waves, breaking up against the walls like a dune landscape. A beach scenery is reconstructed on an open area in the centre, with a paddling pool, a canvas chair, some mannequins and some sand moulds.
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It is like it is – IILII 1.3
Installation “It is like it is” Press Photos and texts for free use about “It is like it is” The Team Find out more about the team behind “It is […]
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The microplastic processing machine 1.0 or – out of sight, out of mind
The microplastic processing machine 1.0 or – out of sight, out of mind Clean paths, clean green areas, nothing but a few seagulls rock on the waves of the Rhine. […]
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Broken 1.4 | Broken/ (Un)Broken
Installation Broken 1.4 | Broken/ (Un)Broken Tourdates All information about the past and upcoming locations of “Broken/ (Un)Broken” Press Photos and texts for free use about “Broken/ (Un)Broken” The Team […]
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Have a nice vacation! 1.0
Poster-Campaign ✈️ ☀️ 🏝 Have a nice vacation! 1.0 🍹 🏖 📸 Germany has been one of the five largest arms exporters in the world for years. For a long […]
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Dementia – When the self fades away
Dementia – When the self fades away Art campaign on the occasion of „dementia week“ in Rhein-Erft-Kreis, April 2022 It begins so sneakingly. One cannot find one’s glasses. Forgot, what […]
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That’s me
Installation „That’s me“ on the occasion of World Women’s Day on 8 March 2022 When children fear for their frail, little life due to storm floods, pandemics or warmongers crushing […]
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The Dark Side of the Rainbow
The Dark Side of the Rainbow Three children sitting on the ground, absorbed in their play, a bird watching the scene. A motive that can be found in almost anybody’s […]
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It is like it is – IILII 2.0 | Focus on Nature
Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio. Here is a link to the audio instead. Installation “It is like it is – IILII 2.0” | Focus on Nature Up until now, […]
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Ravens and Nudity
Ravens and Nudity | Social Human Installation The raven as a survivor looks at the two human sculptures as if it admires them, willing to accept them in its ranks. […]
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Social Bycatch 1.0
Social Human Installation „Social Bycatch 1.0“ This moving, interactive installation was first presented on 18 September 2021 during a vernissage at Dennis Mesegs studio in Wesseling near Cologne. Just a […]
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A Thousand Moments
Installation “A Thousand Moments” A Thousand Moments Incisive moments are an inherent part of life, like the birth of a child, good fortune, an accident or a loss, just as […]
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Take up space – Give space I
Installation “Take up space – Give space I” Take up space – Give space I Installation of more than 54,000 special price labels on an area of 7×4 meters in […]
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Take up space – Give space II
Installation “Take up space – Give space II” Take up space – Give space II Installation of 50 white balloons filled with Helium under the ceiling of the student toilet […]
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Take up space – Give space III
Installation “Take up space – Give space III” Take up space – Give space III Art with 8kg confetti in both toilets of the Sculpture Hall and my four questions […]
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Humanity will perish due to climate change
Humanity will perish due to climate change Installation of 1000 squeaking ducks, paddling pool, sunshade, customer stopper, poster, deck chair
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You can not save the whole world
You can not save the whole world Material: div. material from military hospitals, parts of mannequins, tape recorder, price tags, collection box, roll of 2 pennies …
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