Black and white study Study of the relationship between black and white and vice versa. How much white can tolerate black and how much black can tolerate white. Material: Acrylic on canvas Size: 118,1″ x 118,1″ Schwarz Weiß Studie (1/4) - 300x300cm Acryl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef MesegWatch this video on YouTube Schwarz Weiß Studie (2/4) - 300x300cm Acryl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef MesegWatch this video on YouTube Schwarz Weiß Studie (3/4) - 300x300cm Acryl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef MesegWatch this video on YouTube Schwarz Weiß Studie (4/4) - 300x300cm Acryl auf Leinwand - Dennis Josef MesegWatch this video on YouTube 1 2 ... 5 ► If you are interested in a particular artwork, you can inquire here about availability and price. Your Name Your E-Mail-Adresse Message