Gütersloher Frühling Straßenfest 2022 - StreetArt Stadt in Kreideblumen hüllen und Installation "Bei diesem Klimawandel geht die Menschheit baden" - Dennis Josef Meseg Irmgard Maria Jansen-Otto

Gütersloh Spring 2022 – in full bloom – street art

At the „Gütersloh Spring 2022 event the dreary inner city was transformed into a blooming park landscape.
We had planned the 2D/3D street art campaign as a highlight of the series „Gütersloh Spring in bloom“.

Saturday May 7th, 2022 approx..12-6 p.m. – Start of the campaign and the art work Sunday May 08th, 2022 approx. 12-6 p.m. –Completion of the art work

Together with the artist Irmgard Maria Janssen-Otto and a local school class we transformed the city center of Gütersloh into a sea of chalk flowers.

Picture gallery of the spring festival:

Gütersloh Spring street festival – StreetArt – a city embellished with chalkflowers and a special installation: „The human race will perish because of climate change.“

Painting template for the painting activity “What does your spring look like? (Free download):

Gütersloher Frühling Straßenfest 2022 - StreetArt Stadt in Kreideblumen hüllen - Dennis Josef Meseg Irmgard Maria Jansen-Otto

Feel free to send us your picture by e-mail to: dennis@dennis-josef-meseg.de and it will be published here below. 🙂

Pictures submitted by children for the painting activity “What does your spring look like?