Press photos Absolvo te!
Here you will find a selection of photos, from three different photographers in four categories, which can be used freely for press work, using the following source information.
Source: title staging; name artist; name photographer
Ex.: Production “Absolvo te! by Dennis Josef Meseg | Photo: Julia Koslovski
Photographer 1: Christopher Goebel
Photographer 3: Heiko Heinen
Photographer 2: Julia Koslovski
Making-of: Christopher Goebel and Dennis Josef Meseg
Photo gallery | 📸 Christopher Goebel
Photo gallery | 📸 Heiko Heinen
Photo gallery | 📸 Julia Koslovski
Making-of Photo gallery | 📸 Christopher Goebel & Dennis Josef Meseg
Arrangements for interview appointments, photo appointments at exhibition time or before please contact Assistant Christopher Goebel at:
Mobile: +49 160 5187683
E-mail: … or at good luck 🍀🙂