Trashi – Your comfort zone will kill you
Impressions in “Trashi – Corona-Christmas 2020”
2023: Trashi in a new guise: The Toybox
Exhibition Kitsch and Art. Confrontations and border crossings
Trashi was a guest in Hilden from 8 October to 3 December 2023. Dr Sandra Abend, director of the city’s Wilhelm Fabry Museum, invited visitors to a very special kind of exhibition. Under the motto: “Kitsch and art. Confrontations and border crossings“, artists and the odd kitsch artist came together.
In the course of the planning, the museum director and lecturer at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, Dr Sandra Abend, expressed the wish to pack Trashi in a box so that the luminosity would not be lost in the exhibition. No sooner said than done, after a few drafts and consultation with a joinery, the TOYBOX was born. An elegant box that could be opened from all four sides by visitors to the exhibition.
And the Toybox offered unimagined potential for ideas. It didn’t take long for more ideas to bubble up as to what could be placed in the TOYBOX in the future. We remain curious… 😉