Installation „That’s me“ on the occasion of World Women’s Day on 8 March 2022
When children fear for their frail, little life due to storm floods, pandemics or warmongers crushing their world into ruins, then the last glow of hope lies in the tender, helping hands of women. It has always been that way.
Women give comfort, where tears flow. Keep the family together. Bring new life into the world.
They are so precious, of such great inner beauty. And yet to this very day, women are being reduced to their appearance, be suppressed, abused and brutally murdered. Often enough by their own partners.
How strong they are, and in certain ways superior, illustrates the installation „That’s me“ by Dennis Josef Meseg: two totally different female figures, one of them tall and slim, the other one small and chubby, both wrapped in orange tape, holding each other by the hands, dancing. This dance is not just an expression of a zest for life. They also show that they possess the only meaningful angle of view when it comes to looking at other people. For – like Antoine de Saint-Éxupery once wrote in his book „The little prince“: One can only see clear with the heart. The essence is hidden from the eyes.
On 8 March, the World Women’s Day, the continued suffering of women and girls is being remembered. Many buildings around the globe are lit up in Orange, the colour of freedom, joy and comfort. And emotional warmth.
But that does not suffice. A change of thinking has got to take place, is long overdue. The installation „That’s me“ may therefore be seen as a thought-provoking impulse. So that all women and girls will finally get the respect, the appreciation and love they so much deserve. Since the beginning of the world.
The installation can be seen on 8 March 2022 at Wilhelm-Fabry Museum in Hilden. A press conference will take place at 11:00 hrs.
This work is an interactive installation. This means that the visitors are encouraged to help shape the work. For this purpose, various pens, stickers and adhesive tapes are provided.
Blank work at the beginning:
From visitors changed work after a week: